UPDATES on Ferret Food Recalls
Responses from Whole/Natural Prey Suppliers
I thought I would introduce a book I picked up at the last Japan Ferret Association (JFA) Championship Ferret Show I was able to attend back in Spring 2008. I bought my copy from the author herself - a very pleasant and friendly woman. Unfortunately I was so sick that I did not think to get a photo of her at her booth. But my copy is signed. Japanese style - her hanko stamp is on the back inside cover.
画像挿入-future picture
I have not read it yet but for my own healing purposes I will be starting; and, anything I find particularly comforting or funny, I will translate and share with you here. Without further ado, allow me to present...
The trace of Lemon: The Bond between my family and the pet ferret*
by Kawasaki Tomoko.

From the wrap around obi:
Neither dog, nor cat, nor bird.
Our household angel. Her name, Lemon.
The days dealing with the sudden onset of the unfamiliar sounding, incurable illness "insulinoma" and our time of happiness. The footprints left afterwards...
From the back of the wrap around obi:
Lemon, do you remember?
So many memories.
Laughter and joy, all the happiness you brought us.
You became the bond that tied this family together.
Thank you, Lemon. We were so happy.
Incidentally, as part of the introduction here, I will introduce the author's own blog (in Japanese). Lots of cute pictures even though she has not updated in awhile.
Although I'm in the midst of packing for South Korea (I keep forgetting to add in the South part. After all, who really goes to North Korea?), I will be reading this during the process. More to come, but not immediately. I choked up just translating that little bit even. :D
Also, I'll try to get my own pics of the cover and the hanko. I actually have them right now, just now program to edit and upload them with - Lemon has such a cute round face with little bit ears.. So stay tuned for future updates on that end!
Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪
* This part is not an official translation of the title but the author's own wording and grammar.
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