May 14, 2011

Serious Summer Energy Issues: 2

This is simply an update post.
For full background and details, please refer to Serious Summer Energy Issues: 1 and then ask yourself:

How many bottles of ice can your freezer hold and how long will they last?

I would suggest you start packing and look to return to... wherever.
If you will be returning to the USA, stay tuned as I will be introducing some of the professionally licensed pet transport companies I have been talking to or have used in the past.


Running total of lost reactors (Southern Japan):
Chuubu (Hamaoka) reactors: all, stopped.
Kansai (Mihama) reactors: 4 of 11, stopped.

5/14 UPDATE:
Now it is Kansai electrics turn to start winding down?! And we (Kansai Electric) were supposed to help bail out Chuubu Electric with THEIR summertime problem. (see below)
NHK morning news reports that out of 11 reactors in Mihama (Kansai Electric), 4 are now stopped.

Well, there goes the stinkin' HAMAOKA reactor. (Chuubu Electric)
From the 7PM NHK news:
(Right before summer no less.)
Officials not sure they will be able to provide the energy needed. Looking to increase production from water and coal based energy plants but will also have to consider having Kansai Electric send electricity to help compensate

Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪

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Thank you for helping us out!

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