December 01, 2010

Recycling 101 : TOYS

UPDATES on Ferret Food Recalls
Responses from Whole/Natural Prey Suppliers

Running out of Last minute ideas for XMAS gifts??
Nothing like recycling! (Especially if you are like me and have no creative talents to knit or sew things.)
Nice and new for the fuzz-head. Nice for the environment (and pocket).
All that is needed is few items you surely have around.

1. old sock(s).
Worn out (no holes!), Halloween leftovers, ... Anything will do really.

2. worn out mini tennis balls with jingle inside
or old jingles from the ricky-ticky-tavy snake.

3. old cat crinkle balls (squashed down from chewing)

recommended: old helium balloon or similar crinkly yet STRONG material.

Now, stuff sock randomly, tie up the end and....



* Stuffing multiple socks with all the above materials or some combination of 2 will also naturally make for toys will slightly different 'flavors'.

* Personally, I HIGHLY recommend adding the crinkle-like material for several reasons. first and foremost, it crinkles. Secondly, I like to wrap up the old tennis balls (plastic jingle bells) in them just to provide a little extra protection.

Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪

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