Responses from Whole/Natural Prey Suppliers
Cookie cutter are absolutely for cookies.
And only cookies as my recent experiment has shown me.
Ferret Depot was (is?) offering a free ferret cookie cutter with orders this month. So with our last purchase of food in America we got one, too!
Between the havoc it would wreck on my back and the fact that wheat-free cookies are never the same as the sweet, sweet real stuff, I don't make roll-out cookies anymore.
I do make pancakes quite a bit though.
Hmmmm.... Maybe...?

Rather Nessie-ish actually.
So the second time I sprayed the cutter - heavily - and put the burner on super-low.
It took 15 minutes or more to cook!
Whatever it was it was f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
That tiny little thing!
As a result, this is one copper cutter that will be hanging from the Xmas tree from now on.
Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪
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