October 24, 2010

Veterinary ・ Medical Link Collection


*link collection previously contained in the side bar*

Again, always looking to add more links to this section. Please let me know if you have any recommendations. Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪


Disclaimer: I am not a DVM. Advice is offered after my own extensive research and/or experience and should be undertaken at your own risk. Consult with your licensed DVM before undertaking any treatment!
All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.

October 02, 2010

Once AGAIN, Carpet Sharking in all the Wrong Places

UPDATES on Ferret Food Recalls
Responses from Whole/Natural Prey Suppliers

Not as bad as you think. No GIANT Ticks to report or anything.
Just itching.
And itching.
And itching!

We all know fuzzies are itchy critters, but this was more scratching than I have seen any of the previous family (5) do. EVER.
And two of them had adrenal.

But during our daily tick-inspections, I have consistently noticed red bumps, slightly irritated looking and slightly raised.
As they do not look like any of the (few) pictures of ferret tumors I have found, I have unilaterally decided that ferts get bug bites just like the rest of us when slogging through the untamed wilds.

That is all good and well, yet does nothing to resolve the itching which seems intolerable and in some places seems to have caused minor scabbing over.

That's where Children's Benadryl comes in.

Oddly enough, no search of the FHL turned up any useful dosage information. There were articles suggesting using Children's Benadryl for this or that issue, but no measurements.

Fortunately, I came upon this, compliments of the Loving Ferrets Forum:

"Children's Benadryl (12.5mg/5mL) is given at 0.5-2mg/kg orally bid or tid (two or three times per day).

One teaspoon is about 5 mL
12.5/5 gets to 2.5 mg per mL
Since the amounts given are usually multiples of a tenth of the mL, 0.1 mL has 0.25 mg of Benadryl. So, 0.2 mL has 0.5mg, 0.3 mL has 0.75 mg, 0.4 mL has 1.0 mg of Benadryl by weight, etc.

(Since your ferret weighs 2.5 lbs, that is just a bit over 1kg.)
Therefore, the dose for your ferret will be about 0.25mL to 0.8mL every 8-12 hours.
I would start at the lowest dose of 0.25mL and increase as needed."

Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪

Disclaimer: I am not a DVM. Advice is offered after my own extensive research and/or experience and should be undertaken at your own risk. Consult with your licensed DVM before undertaking any treatment!
All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Thank you for helping us out!