December 17, 2006

The 15th Japan Ferret Championship Show (Kobe city)

What you've all been waiting for... (insert dook-roll here)

Official Pics and News from the 15th annual Japanese Championship Ferret Show!!

There are many ferret shows across Japan, but the 2 main Championship shows that the AFA participates in are held in the Spring and Fall every year. They are normally held in the southern area on Japan's main island since the President of the JFA is from that area and she has to haul all that stuff around.

This was my first time to go to ANY ferret show anywhere. I have to say it was really well-organized and everything seemed to run smoothly from my perspective, but then again, I was so swamped under piles of fuzzy-heads I wouldn't have noticed if the fire alarm went off. I didn't even notice the endless Yanni music that played in the background for hours upon hours which normally would have sent me looking for the nearest balcony to jump off of. ^.~

Since it was my first time, the night before I had an hour or so of training for my job as a judge steward. It involved translating for the new Japanese stewards, also. The JFA show was quite the microcosm of Japan--for every 300 Japanese, the 3 judges and I were the lone 4 foreigners, "gainjin". ^.^

. lots and lots of fuzzies !!!!
. a super-cute photo contest
. A very nice 3 minute movie clip featuring the Japanese & American judges, ferrets from the costume show, and yours truly (sitting next to Scarlett). ^.~ And it's High quality to boot!

These pages are in Japanese. Once you click on the movie link above and get to the page, please refer to the diagram below to watch the movie.

I will check back off and on with the JFA to see if they add any more movies or pictures, but I don't think they will be since they are now in the midst of planning for the Major Spring show which, for anyone interested, is on April 1st in Hamamatsu (about 1.5 hours south of Tokyo).

Sorry, no personal pics. My camera was donated to a greater cause. ^.^

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A Christmas tale for all...

A Most Carnivorous Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas; in the house, not a sound.
The critters were zonked out, their bellies so round.

The fridge was all cleaned out; the freezer was bare
In hopes it would fill with a bounty so rare.

The dogs on the couch and the cats in their tree;
No doubt all were dreaming of a nice RMB.

Dad in his pj's and me in my gown;
I'd just finished mopping the kitchen floor down

When out in the yard I heard such a racket;
I slipped on my shoes and grabbed a warm jacket.

The moon was quite bright, and the sky was so clear;
The stars were all twinkling--wait, was that a DEER!?

I followed the shadow out back of the shed,
And what I saw next had me scratching my head:

A great St Bernard, with a jingle bell collar!
Then from inside my house, I heard someone holler:

"Here's beef ribs and goat meat and oxtails and deer!
Chicken and rabbit and pork--have no fear!"

I ran in my kitchen, and guess who I found?
Looking like St Nick, but dressed all in brown?

Why, it's SANTA PAWS, that wonderful guy
Who each Christmas Eve comes down out of the sky

And blesses our furkids with toys and with treats,
And gives to our carnivores yummy RAW MEATS!

He stocked my fridge and freezer with organs and such,
Then he pointed to something--oh, this was too much!

"For you," he said proudly, "a chest freezer at last;
Fifteen cubic feet, and it runs on dog gas."

He lifted the lid; it was full to the brim
With hog heads and green tripe, and deer meat and trim.

My heart was near bursting; I wept tears of joy.
What blessings, what feasts, what good food! Boy oh boy!

He laughed at my happiness, and that's when I saw
The buckle of his belt was a shiny gold paw.

"Your house-wolves and wildcats deserve only the best!
Their perfect diet is here in this chest."

He gave a sharp whistle; in came the St B.
I gave him a scratch and then half a turkey.

He scarfed it right down and gave me a big kiss.
Santa Paws laughed, and then he said this:

"Each Christmas Eve I'll visit your place,
And I best not find kibble, not even a trace!

"Empty your freezer, I'll fill it up right,
Stock it with goodies, packed in nice and tight.

"I might bring some toys, a Kong or a ball,
But proper nutrition is the best gift of all!"

His dog gave a WOOF as if to agree;
I motioned to him, shh, Dad's sleeping, you see?

We went out to the yard where his sleigh was parked;
He hooked up the St B, who smiled and barked.

And Santa Paws said, as though it were law,
"Merry Christmas, and keep feeding those carnivores RAW!"


******(yeah, I wrote it, my apologies to Clement Clarke Moore :P)
Crystal R Sarcopski
Plant City, FL

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December 04, 2006

Kill the Table Eaters in the name of Almighty Science !!!

Once Google took over, we knew youtube would succumb to corporate pressure and start deleting videos left and right. Now the question is...if I have a party and share my copy of SOUTHPARK or anything copyrighted for that matter, or they going to start policing me in my own home for that, too??

It reminds me of that silly pettiness not so long back (this or just last year) where the almighty Olympic committee said some harmless, fun Ferret group in Washington State could not use the term "Ferret Olympics" in their non-for-profit event because they had the rights to the word "Olympics". Corporate Greed--Offensive & Disgusting.

Anyway, if you wish to view the 2 SOUTHPARK Otter episodes with your friends online click here while they last!!
Whole EpisodeEpisode 1:

Whole episode Episode 2:

"And, I, will personally kill the Time Child and eat his entrails on my TUMMY"
-- Sea Otter Leader

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November 28, 2006

Weasel CRUSADER!!!

Aside from what it appears, this is related to Japan and ferrets. ;> After all,the ferret is member of the weasel family and I'm in Japan stuck cruising the internet for things to watch because watching TV in Japan is just like that scene from Clockwork Orange where they strap the guy down to a chair and pin his eyelids open.

Anyway, you TOO, can watch the horror classic here --> WEASELS RIP MY FLESH

A rabid weasel seeks vengeance on the human race after it is accidently transformed into a powerful radioactive beast thanks to a mistimed crash by a NASA satellite! Seemingly able to regenerate itself limitless times, the robust critter becomes an object of desire for mad Dr. Sendam who battles with the government in a race to capture the beast and utilize its powers for dark and mysterious means. This first feature from cult director Nathan Schiff offers all the guts and gore horror fans came to expect from the great man.

I'm not big on gory American style horror (I prefer horror of the creepy genre.), but this is tolerable because of the ridiculously poor SFX which make everything look obviously fake. And the quality of acting will keep you giggling the whole way through, you're sides will be hurting the next day.

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New Homes!   サイト移動

Notice #1: As you may have noticed, this site is now changed to the "English Edition".
After trying several layouts, I have decided the mixture of Japanese and English on the same page was too hard to read, too busy. additionally, there was the matter of material that had no relevance to any of our Japanese readers - eg the petitions, etc... So the Japanese site is moved to here!.
Any and all are welcome to visit!! There will be some articles specific to Japan, but for the most part, it will be a translation of what is posted here.

Notice #2: The Natural Food (Online Purchasing) Links have been updated


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November 08, 2006

Special ALERT -- Get out the VOTE, part duex!!

The Forest Service wants to make it easier to poison and kill prairie dogs on the American plains -- risking creatures like burrowing owls, hawks, swift fox and the critically endangered black-footed ferret.

Prairie dogs play an essential role in the plains ecosystem. Already there may be too few prairie dogs in the National Grasslands to sustain local populations of some of the animals that depend on them, including burrowing owls, swift fox, and the endangered black-footed ferret.

Wildlife management should be based on science, not on politics. The ability to poison is limited by the current Nebraska National Forest Management Plan to avoid the temptation for managers to cave into pressure from grazing lessees and politicians seeking private gain from
public lands at the expense of wildlife. Do not remove this safety net by amending the plan to allow poisoning anywhere on the Grasslands!

In unnaturally poisoning these animals, the entire ecosytem is disrupted-not just the other wildlife, but the very soil itself. Nature creates it's own checks and balances. When humans disrupt the balance, it creates these problems. Please help NATURE take its natural course and add your name to the ongoing petition-->

Please pass this petition on to everyone you know. Just as in this recent election, We can get them to listen.

We all thank you:

photo by Shirley Hewlett

November 03, 2006

Mustelids invade South Park!! イタチ科がSPに侵入!

There I was harmlessly watching my suspiciously-legal copy of South Park, episode 1012,
when in the last 10 minutes...

an ARMY of Mustelids!!!

It's the United Athetists League versus the Allied Atheist Alliance versus the United Atheist Alliance in a godless future as only South Park can do it. ;>

Oh, I so hope the Otters win.

"It won't make a difference ! This is the dawning of the age of the Sea Otter!!
...I shall smash your skull like a clam on my tummy!!!" -- Sea Otter Captain

October 15, 2006

Wolverines invade Japan!  クズリが日本に侵入!

Well, things are finally starting to settle down here.
And it was looking like I would have time to properly post something, but in turns out that the Kobe Championship Ferret Show is right around the corner! On the 29th of October, no less.
I will be attending, so stay-tuned for the results and goings-on from the JFA in Japan!

Before that though...

On the weekends, Japan TV runs two types of programs-endless golf shows and nature shows.
I turned on my favorite show tonite, "Darwin has Arrived", and I couldn't believe it! Really, what are the odds that anyone would do a show specifically on the ferret's wild and wily cousin, the wolverine. A whole 30 minutes devoted just to them!
Sheer heaven. ;>

Anyway, follow this link below.

They look alot like bears and since it is a straighton shot, I will tell you that the episode you want is #26. It will appear like this 第26回。 (If you can't read that, just change the encoding choice on your browser to "Japanese, auto-select".)

If you follow the link next to the picture, you get to see a 30sec commericial with hopping wolverines. ;>

September 26, 2006

The Average Japanese View ~ 日本人の見方

So not only is my living room a ferret exhibition hall filled with pictures, stuffed animals, books, and the Carley Calender; not only do I carry a little ferret (albino) charm on my keychain-an "お守り" if you will, or a "protective" charm- but in my private classroom I keep a picture of my baby boy, Shinsei (新生-nova), in my prep area.

To which I inevitably hear: "A mouse." and "Is it a mouse?"
To which I inevitably respond: "No, he eats mice. :) And rabbits. And chicks. And steak." And then explain how he is related to the "okojo" and like the okojo eats meat not vegetables. I go on with how this was a baby picture of him and he's much bigger now.

I usually have to describe how he looks/his shape too, because they don't seem to be familiar with even what a weasel or otter looks like!

In the end~
the first impression of a ferret is the same everywhere, no matter what country you're in. <3

August 26, 2006

Ode to a Ferret

This is somwhat off-topic, but I couldn't resist showcasing my niece's haiku she wrote in school:

Ferret Frenzy
by Ali Arnold

Fun, frisky ferrets
Running 'round and chewing things
Funny carpet sharks

Isn't she the best!!

August 01, 2006

US Ferrets!! USDA Ferret Protection Act in DANGER! Need action now!!

From: International Ferret Congress ferretcongress@FERRETCONGRESS.ORG
Subject: URGENT: action needed on USDA regs

Dear Ferret Friends:

We are writing you today with an update on the progress of ferret specific regulations within the USDA. Last year we asked the ferret community to write the USDA during the comment period with their thoughts and ideas about requiring ferret specific regulations -- such as requiring a minimum of 8 weeks of age be obtained prior to shipping as evidenced by the presence of adult canine teeth; requiring that ferrets be maintained at a comfortable temperature; and allowing for the special needs of ferrets for social bonds, contact, and mental stimulation.

Your voices were heard loud and clear -- with thousands of letters pouring into the USDA, almost all voicing support for ferret specific regulations.

But now we have a problem, and we need your support again.

The USDA is trying to bypass the clear mandate that you, the citizens of the United States, provided them! They are putting the ferret specific regulations on the back burner in favor of something else -- lumping the ferrets into a regulation providing for ALL WARM BLOODED MAMMALS not to be shipped prior to 8 weeks. That means that yes, ferrets won't be shipped until 8 weeks of age, but how will that be verified without dental eruption requirements? We've all seen ferret health certificates with the wrong age marked. There will be no provision for keeping these ferret babies comfortably cool. Or trying to keep family groups housed together. Or even standardizing the types of cages and feeding schedules maintained by the ferret farms! Worse yet -- why would they think the needs of ferrets would be similar to guinea pigs (who are able to breed by 3 weeks of age?) or elephants, or tigers, or lions? This is a shortcut that simply won't work. A more acceptable compromise to ferret specific regulations would be to "lump" the ferrets in with the very specific regulations already in place for dogs and cats. At least this keeps some similar species together. However, the current line of reasoning of the USDA is simply unacceptable and unreasonable.


The contact information listed below is the direct line to the supervisor of this project. He alone will not be making the decision, but will be able to provide influence and insight at the meeting. Please call, email, and let him know that ferrets need specific regulations, and lumping them into a general "8 week rule" is simply not acceptable to the ferret community.

Please also remember that this is a government office -- and they are dealing with many issues beyond ferrets. BE PERSISTENT, BUT POLITE! Leave detailed messages and send detailed emails. If they hear from enough of us in person -- it has to make a difference. We pay their salaries, they need to listen to our opinions -- and we won't be ignored!

Dr. Chester Gipson
301-734-4980 AND EMAIL!

Thanks for your time -- for all the fuzzies in your life, the past, and the future.

NOTE: Please feel free to forward this message to other lists, blogs, websites, club meetings, or anywhere else ferret lovers may see it. It is essential to act quickly and politely!

Introductions All Around

Why nippynihon, you ask?

Well, Japan in Japanese IS "Nihon"; however, the patriotic way to say it is "Nippon". When I think of my fuzzies, I think "nippy!!" Hence, the birth of the "nippynihon" blogsite.

What we do here:
I will be posting my translations of articles/essays about the care and general views of ferrets in Japan. Comments and questions in English or Japanese welcome!! (Most Japanese can read English so I'm not translating this little intro right now. ^.^ )

What we're looking for:
Comments, questions, links to informative ferret sites, submissions about ferret trends in your own country!

Yoroshiku ne!

Under Construction!!
My Japanese ferrets books are en-route to Japan right now so probably no major up-dates until mid-September.