May 21, 2011

Serious Summer Energy Issues: HH

☆.。.:*・Heat and Humidity・*:.。.☆

I really wanted to open my windows the weekend.
Really, REALLY wanted to open them.
Nothing like be shut inside 24-7 to make a looming hellish workweek ahead look all that much brighter.

But Japan is not just hot, its humid.
Like a WALL of HUMIDITY, humid.
Nothing I have ever experienced before outside of Japan or Korea. And this is where having all my little collection of Japan Ferret Handbooks come in handy. Even with all the incorrect, outdated, and sometimes rather dangerous information (giving certain cooked vegetables as treats to ferrets?!), the authors have lived in Japan all their life and know the climate specifics they have to deal with. As a result, some of the aids I will introduce here are ones you have seen and possibly use yourself, and some are Japan-specific due to the severity of the humidity/heat and the access (or lack thereof) to certain products. Referenced books can be seen at the bottom.

FERRET IDEAL: temp @ 22-23C, humidity @ 30-40%

Humidity Issues:
Make sure does not go over 65%. not only will it affect their health, food will spoil and living area (bed) will have hygiene issues. (reference below)

Yeah, well. Good Luck keeping it @ even 60%.
Right now with no energy restraints in place (those begin July 1, 2011) I sometimes run the dehumidifier function on my A/C ( 除湿 ) all day long and still come home to find the meter sitting @ 60%.

suggestion: store food in airlock containers and store the container in a cool dry place.

ex: In my apartment, the wall a/c is in the one main room (studio). Just so happened that the oshiire (large leveled closet) is across from it. I store Ranmaru's food in the top shelf across from the a/c and above any light that might come in from the windows.

**warning about low humidity via 100qa book! (added later after books arrive from Japan)
**竹のこと  (added later after books arrive from Japan)

Heat Issues:
They say there are "cool packs for pets with special covers to prevent chewing". The only ones i have seen are soft gel packs with thick CLOTH covers. Everyone with a fuzz knows those teeth can go through leather much less bone so a cloth cover is not going to protect them from the leaking gel. I use old BLENDY bottles 3/4 filled with water and frozen. (BLENDY is the coffee in a nice rectangular 1 liter bottle that fits perfectly in your tiny freezer or refridge doors.) I then wrap those in towels or put them in specific thermos bottle bag holders to soak up some of the condensation that will form.
Not just individually in the major sleep area, but 2-3 bottles in a pile in a large bowl/bucket.

Also, in addition to the ice "pool" I have a mini pool always 1/3-1/2 filled with water in the bathroom. (It would perfectly cover up to his chest, no further.) It's there year round really for his floaty duckies and as a drinking spot, but in the hotter weather he can stick his feet in easily to cool off. Remember, ferrets can't pant or sweat and a normal dry fan (just blowing air) won't help your fuzz keep cool!
If your fuzzy gets overheated, s/he needs cool water applied to their feet.

Following this thread, another kindly ferret friend on FB added this little contrivance:
"We also have a box lined with paper and there is shredded paper in it as well for them to dry off and not catch a chill, that's worked for us for the last 4 summers"

Also, in response to my question on heat-beaters, this fabulous construct was offered on FB. My guy is free roam so we can't use it, but a lot of ferret-parents in Japan use cages, so I am posting this idea for them also.

Try putting a light weight fabric like a piece of old sheet in a dish pan of water, ring it out, drape over a fan pointed at cage, leave one end in dish pan of water. You might have to safety pin in to fan. This is called a poor mans swamp cooler.
(Many thanks to Dookie Ferret for this idea!)

Finally, for those living in Japan, and possibly of use elsewhere, the traditional "uchimizu" (打ち水) technique. It really works to keep the area around the house cool and hence, the house itself cooler. It's an old technique from hundreds of years ago that is easy and effective. Minor but every little bit helps.

If you live in Japan, most likely you are living in an apartment which means you HAVE a veranda and/or front steps. You don't need the water at any certain temperature either. If your doing this on the veranda where your washing machine is you can really soak the ground and not worry since there is automatically a drain for the washing machine. SOAK THE VERANDA FLOOR with water. Before work I would dump a good 2-3 buckets of water out on the veranda which also had the added benefit of washing down the dirt and dust of the day. By the time I came back 9 hours later - Bone DRY.

You can do this on the front area of your apartment steps or ground too, but will have to be more conservative with the amounts given you have neighbors right there.

Sounds like a waste of water, but one of my favorite TV shows (not to mention a long running favorite of the natives) - Tameshite GATTEN! - had a piece on this and showed thermography of air temperature around storefronts before and after applying the uchimizu technique.
It does work!
And if you are looking at temps that start at out 26C every day since June 1 and a looming energy shortage (and you are if you live in Japan), EVERY little bit helps.

Keep cool and see you again! (^_-)-♪

Reference Books:
Raising a Happy Ferret, Tamukai Kenishi, DVM
FERRET, Anifa Books Complete Manual, Studio MOOK
Ferret Handbook, Nomura Junichiro, DVM
Ferret Paradise, Mao
Dr. Nomura's 100 Q&A for Ferrets, Nomura Junichiro, DVM

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Thank you for helping us out!

May 14, 2011

Serious Summer Energy Issues: 2

This is simply an update post.
For full background and details, please refer to Serious Summer Energy Issues: 1 and then ask yourself:

How many bottles of ice can your freezer hold and how long will they last?

I would suggest you start packing and look to return to... wherever.
If you will be returning to the USA, stay tuned as I will be introducing some of the professionally licensed pet transport companies I have been talking to or have used in the past.


Running total of lost reactors (Southern Japan):
Chuubu (Hamaoka) reactors: all, stopped.
Kansai (Mihama) reactors: 4 of 11, stopped.

5/14 UPDATE:
Now it is Kansai electrics turn to start winding down?! And we (Kansai Electric) were supposed to help bail out Chuubu Electric with THEIR summertime problem. (see below)
NHK morning news reports that out of 11 reactors in Mihama (Kansai Electric), 4 are now stopped.

Well, there goes the stinkin' HAMAOKA reactor. (Chuubu Electric)
From the 7PM NHK news:
(Right before summer no less.)
Officials not sure they will be able to provide the energy needed. Looking to increase production from water and coal based energy plants but will also have to consider having Kansai Electric send electricity to help compensate

Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Thank you for helping us out!

May 08, 2011

book review: Happy Ferret Raising

BY: 田向 健一

My first reaction was aaawwwwwwww~.
So many beautiful fuzzy pics. So excellently organized.

Second reaction....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
"The problem of wild ferrets destroying farms and livestock had gotten so bad in California and Hawaii that ferrets are illegal to even own there."
THIS from the most RECENTLY released ferret owners guide book?!
Not to be the only ones suffering the bane of hordes of loose rampaging ferrets...
The sentence after the one above does mention that it is a serious problem. There are endless numbers of ferrets like that in Japan that have escaped or been thrown out and are breeding wild, wrecking livestock and crop fields.
Is it too much to ask that people bother looking up facts or do solid research anymore?
What they are really seeing is "ten" (貂) and "itachi"(鼬) which are native ferret relatives that ARE wild and do predate on livestock and run through crop fields. (Other similar animals exist natively, too like the okojo オコジョ of which there was a very cute anime and comic a few years ago.)
I don't know this 100% for sure BUT I will bet you good money that this is the case because when Ranmaru and I go out on our walks we only ever run into two cases.
1) Almost NO one knows what he is. ("珍しい動物ですね。"What a curious creature.)
2) Those that attempt to identify him can only only come up with the words they know. In other words, they say "itachi?" or "ten?" (weasel and ermine, respectively.)

That glaring and enduring error aside, it's really not a bad book at all. At the very least they are not pushing the disciplinary action of nose-flicking. like they used to. (Most likely a carryover from Dr. Nomura since this vet encouraged this painful and ineffective method in several books he wrote previously.) In this book published in 2011, it does not directly suggest to use nose-flicking., it merely brings up the topic. In mentioning it they say it works on some ferrets, but on others has the opposite effect and causes more biting. Also, they point out the important fact that if you do it too strongly you could actually injure the ferret.

Overall, I really like this book. It's the only FULL COLOR, front to back FULL COLOR, ferret book I have come across in Japanese. It also has some good ideas addressing Japan's particular climate. The health section is not as thorough as the ANIFA Ferret Manual, but still very well summarized and explained. (ANIFA Ferret Health Section. Would be a great reference, Kim Schilling. ^^) Finally, possibly particular to Japan, they have three "case files" of "Living With a Ferret". Basically examples on ferret lifestyle with a family, with other pets, alone.

That being said even if you can't read Japanese, like the ANIFA Ferret Manual, I think the pictures alone are well worth the expense.

Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Thank you for helping us out!

May 07, 2011

Serious Summer Energy Issues: 1

Watching the "news" more often again.
Getting really worried about the Hamaoka Reactor shutdown order. If enacted, there will be consequences like lower energy output and energy sharing and possibly even the severe energy SHORTAGES that we saw when the Fukushima Reactor went.

Hamaoka is in SOUTHERN Japan.
In Southern Japan, it's 24 degrees (75 F) outside and it's only May 6.
On top of which, Kansai Electric's motto is "nuclear power". Fukushima was a big plant, and looking at the map of reactor locations (JAIF), you can see in the south, a similar story is waiting to unfold- littered with nuclear reactors like empty bottle cans and snack packs on the beach.

Taken in bits in pieces, it doesn't seem like something to be all that worried about. Connect the dots and you get a picture of one possible future that is not so promising for your fuzzy friend.

* Current Temperature in Southern Japan. It's only May and it is 24 degrees (75 F) outside. It's only going to get hotter. Check out to see a general year-round temperature graphs (on a monthly basis) for your area. For example, here is my area showing current and the previous year's temperatures for May. You can then click through all the months.

* Possibility of Energy Shortages. So many of the southern reactors are being stopped. Where will the supplemental energy be coming from? They spoke of households saving(cutting) energy by 15% as a method to prevent any shortages. To which most people interviewed on the NHK morning news (5/14) said "not really possible to conserve anymore then we are now..." or "I have young children at home. As much as adults can put up with it, children can not and there is also the issue of health maintenance." This actually is a major issue. If you have ever lived in Japan long term you know that summer time is rampant with mild to severe food poisoning cases because even under normal conditions you are always struggling to keep food from spoiling.

* Possibility of Planned Blackouts: Because of 3/11, Japan is a little more prepared for an energy crisis. But as we saw with the Fukushima Reactor Meltdown (and yes, now they are finally admitting it was a meltdown.), one of the ways they handled the energy shortages was to enforce planned blackouts. Blackouts happened during all times of the day.
Blackout Scenario: It's 95 degrees (F) outside. How is your fuzzy living through 3-4 hours of this heat while you are stuck at the office??
And for that matter, assuming they live through that, how are you even going to turn the AC back on after power has been restored??

Let us back up a little to consider the official plans in place and how you might prepare in this instance.....
After 3/11, TEPCO created a Planned Blackout Area Group List in order to make the planned blackouts go more smoothly.
Did you find your location?
Don't feel badly, many native Japanese had difficulty figuring out which blackout grouping they were in too.

On top of which, even if you did manage to figure out what block you fell into, from the official TEPCO HP....
"-Starting and ending time of blackout periods may slightly differ.
-Depending on supply and demand conditions on the actual days, blackouts may occur at times which were not previously announced."

In other words, you are basically left in the same situation as the Blackout Scenario above. Hands-tied.

So what happens when it does all fall into line?
Another year of record summer temperatures + energy shortage + blackouts....

How many bottles of ice can your freezer hold and how long will they last?

I would suggest you start packing and look to return to... wherever.
If you will be returning to the USA, stay tuned as I will be introducing some of the professionally licensed pet transport companies I have been talking to or have used in the past.


Running total of lost reactors (Southern Japan):
Chuubu (Hamaoka) reactors: all, stopped.

Well, there goes the stinkin' HAMAOKA reactor. (Chuubu Electric)
From the 7PM NHK news:
(Right before summer no less.)
Officials not sure they will be able to provide the energy needed. Looking to increase production from water and coal based energy plants but will also have to consider having Kansai Electric send electricity to help compensate

Cheers and see you again! (^_-)-♪

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Thank you for helping us out!