November 08, 2006

Special ALERT -- Get out the VOTE, part duex!!

The Forest Service wants to make it easier to poison and kill prairie dogs on the American plains -- risking creatures like burrowing owls, hawks, swift fox and the critically endangered black-footed ferret.

Prairie dogs play an essential role in the plains ecosystem. Already there may be too few prairie dogs in the National Grasslands to sustain local populations of some of the animals that depend on them, including burrowing owls, swift fox, and the endangered black-footed ferret.

Wildlife management should be based on science, not on politics. The ability to poison is limited by the current Nebraska National Forest Management Plan to avoid the temptation for managers to cave into pressure from grazing lessees and politicians seeking private gain from
public lands at the expense of wildlife. Do not remove this safety net by amending the plan to allow poisoning anywhere on the Grasslands!

In unnaturally poisoning these animals, the entire ecosytem is disrupted-not just the other wildlife, but the very soil itself. Nature creates it's own checks and balances. When humans disrupt the balance, it creates these problems. Please help NATURE take its natural course and add your name to the ongoing petition-->

Please pass this petition on to everyone you know. Just as in this recent election, We can get them to listen.

We all thank you:

photo by Shirley Hewlett

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