February 19, 2007

Ferrets in Japanimation - again

Ferrets or their relatives have appeared several times in recent Japanese manga (like American comics, but of higher quality) and anime (again, like American animation, but of higher quality).

For your viewing pleasure, please enjoy a sample from a current TV series. ^.^
It's a really silly series, but anything with a ferret in it, much less a TALKING ferret, is worth watching to me.

Plot Summary: Yuuno Scraia is a mage from a distant planet working to fix the problem he started when Jewel Seeds were accidentally spread around the world. In a failed attempt to seal a seed properly, he winds up on Earth in the form of a ferret. However, his battle with the seeds did not end upon reaching the Earth and he needs somebody else's help to seal the seeds for him. Takamachi Nanoha hears his telepathic cries for help and comes to his rescue.
It make take a minute or 2 for the video to load after you hit play. Just hit pause and wait for half of the bar to turn red before hitting play again. :)

EPISODE 1, part 1:3

EPISODE 1, part 2:3

EPISODE 1, part 3:3

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