December 04, 2006

Kill the Table Eaters in the name of Almighty Science !!!

Once Google took over, we knew youtube would succumb to corporate pressure and start deleting videos left and right. Now the question is...if I have a party and share my copy of SOUTHPARK or anything copyrighted for that matter, or they going to start policing me in my own home for that, too??

It reminds me of that silly pettiness not so long back (this or just last year) where the almighty Olympic committee said some harmless, fun Ferret group in Washington State could not use the term "Ferret Olympics" in their non-for-profit event because they had the rights to the word "Olympics". Corporate Greed--Offensive & Disgusting.

Anyway, if you wish to view the 2 SOUTHPARK Otter episodes with your friends online click here while they last!!
Whole EpisodeEpisode 1:

Whole episode Episode 2:

"And, I, will personally kill the Time Child and eat his entrails on my TUMMY"
-- Sea Otter Leader

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1 comment:

yogaferret said...


I've downloaded these for my own collection so even if they disappear from this person's collection. I will replace them myself. ^.^v So send me a note if they're no longer viewable!